West Omaha Women's Tennis League

Dear WOWTL friends,
Thanks to everyone for making the 2024 season a success. The Board is very grateful that we were able to get enough courts at Koch, along with a few cracks and divots! Hopefully the 2025 season will give us many new courts that will be full of WOWTL players. (We'll give the men a few courts if necessary.) The Silvers unfortunately had three unplayable Mondays because of rain, but they are hopefully going to continue for 3 weeks following the season.
This year the Silvers continued with percentages. Linda Dorothy (pictured below) won first place and Charlene Liesveld came in a close second. April McDill ( picture below) won the singles league, and also won the Cornhusker State games at her level.
The results of the survey are in: 23 filled out the survey that was distributed at the end of the season luncheon. Of the 23 that filled out the survey, 9 voted to continue the end of season tournament. That is not a majority but should possibly be considered periodically. A and B leagues played a round robin system. Of the 14 that voted to keep it or not, 12 voted to keep it and 2 voted to go back to percentages. Based on that feedback, we will continue with no percentages and work on improving the rubric that was used to match players and courts.
Thanks again to everyone for joining our league and please encourage as many players as you can to join in 2025.
Have a great rest of your summer and we will see you next WOWTL season!
Your Board members:
Liz Sambol, President
Natalie Simmonds, Vice President
Charlene Liesveld, Secretary
Tami Bourland, Treasurer
Jen Mitten, Webmaster